High Heels & Tea Podcast – Munroe Shoetique

1K+ Downloads! Unscripted conversation with Entrepreneurs by Crystal Lee and Reonda Hunt👠🎙️Each episode is meant to be stuffed with radical insights, cosmic wisdom and inspiration truth-bombs on the grit and grind and behind the scenes of entrepreneurship. This isn't your typical self-help or business podcast.

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High Heels and Tea Podcast

Owner of The Art Doll House, Shares Her Relentless Vision as Painter and Tattooist

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Welcome back to the High Heels & Tea Podcast! 

Sherell Speed also known as The Art Doll, is an American surrealism painter from St. Louis, Mo. Her painting journey started in 2015 when she experienced a traumatic experience that forced her into creating an alternative reality through art...



High Heels and Tea Podcast

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